Monday, September 15, 2008

about nothing.

"you have to be willing to get happy about nothing." -andy warhol

i really like andy warhol. i was looking at his posters on his website and came across one that said this on it. ive been pondering this little quote for the past bit.

you have to be willing to get happy about nothing? well, if its nothing,.. everything is something. what exactly is nothing?

maybe its saying you have to get happy about not having everything, or not getting everything you wanted, or you have to be happy with what you have?

its really confusing to me. and i dont know why, but i cant get a good grasp around it.
oh, okay here.
you have to get happy about something that means something to someone else, but means nothing to you?

nevermind, i dont know.

essentially, nothing could be a lot of things. ironically.
you have to be willing to get happy about nothing.
this could go in so many directions!

i think this quote is much easier to intake than im making it.
maybe i should stop trying to analyze every little detail.

i do that a lot.


i get naked a lot. said...

keep it up

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think Warhol was talking about the act of observing objectively in order to create art. In order to truly observe and capture your subject for whatever your art is, e.g. film, painting, etc., you cannot become emotionally invested in your subject, but rather must maintain objectivity. You have to be willing to get happy about nothing you are seeing. As soon as let your subject make you happy, you are not observing objectively because you become emotionally involved in the thing you are observing. You start to see the subject as you want to, not as it is.